Cybersecurity and Covid-19:
experiences from the frontiline

The webinar will seek to answer key questions. How can we improve cybersecurity in the healthcare sector? How can medical systems build resilience against cyber-attacks in an increasingly digital environment? What can we learn for possible similar crises in the future?
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Our drivers for research in healthcare cybersecurity
The EU Directive on the security of network and information systems (NIS Directive) defines healthcare organisations as operators of essential services (OESs). PANACEA Research is driving a human-centric approach to cybersecurity in healthcare. We share here the drivers for partners from healthcare organisations, IT-savvy SMEs and research institutes. They are just some of the organisations working together to develop new solutions and ensure good practices in the PANACEA Research H2020 project. 
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Resources for the healthcare sector

This document includes a list of rapid response initiatives, tools or services from the European cybersecurity community (ECSO members and partners, and other stakeholders), and is regularly updated.
The package includes specific resources for the healthcare sector, as well as general resources for Covid-19, national or regional initiatives and tips for the people working from home.
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